Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pumped Up Kicks and Birthday Wishes

After Friday's failure of a run due to my shins screaming at me the minute I climbed on the treadmill, I bit the bullet and decided which new pair of shoes I was going to order.  I am expected these babies to land on my front door step this afternoon:

{mizuno wave rider 14}
I decided to go with the same exact running shoe as I already have, just in a different color.  I know that these shoes work for me, and with only a month left to train for the half, I needed a quick fix.  I think a large part of my shin splints are because of the shoe.  Another pair of shoes to put in rotation should help to eliminate some of the strain on my shins. 

I have never felt pain in my right shin like I did on Friday.  It actually scared me to think that only 2 minutes on the treadmill could cause that much pain.  I feel like I have been stretching consistently and being extra careful.  I knew I needed to get in cardio some how, so I opted for the elliptical and it was just the right fix!  I was able to go about 5 miles and didn't feel any pain whatsoever.  I stretched and used a tennis ball to rub up and down my shins to release some of the pressure over the weekend, without any strenuous running.  This morning I was able to go for my normal 3 mile jog and I only slightly felt the pain.  It was bearable, and I will be sure to ice my shins down this evening!  Have you ever felt pain in your shins that bad to where you couldn't run?

Now, on to the most important news of the day.  You remember this special lady?

My grandmother.  My Nanny.  My sunshine.

She turns 90 years old today.  Yup...NINETY...and still going strong.  She has overcome the battle she faced earlier this year and is doing better than ever.  I felt so blessed to be able to call her this morning and wish her a happy birthday.  She was being treated to breakfast in bed {just like every morning at the home she is in :)}, a morning singing from my mom, a hair cut and style from my sister, and fresh yellow roses.  Bradley and I will visit with her this weekend and I will be able to give her the special card I am making for her {pictures to come soon}.

Happy Birthday Nanny.  I love you Sunshine :)!

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